Rey Lennon Observer es una forma de compartir mi visión del mundo de las comunicaciones corporativas, las relaciones públicas y el marketing. Inspirado en Contact, la primera publicación sobre PR, creada por Doris y Edward Bernays en los años 1930's, intentará mostrar la realidad cotidiana a través de la lente de la comunicación incorporando las nuevas tecnologías.
miércoles, diciembre 13, 2006
El caso DASANI en la web
Algunos links interesantes sobre el problema suscitado con DASANI:
Sites corporativos:
DASANI en Gran Bretaña:
CNN Europe
Notas en Argentina:
Sites corporativos:
DASANI en Gran Bretaña:
CNN Europe
Notas en Argentina:
Rastreando la historia de la crisis DASANI
Para darle un marco histórico a esta crisis, que despertó un gran interés, reproduzco el artículo publicado en el diario británico The Guardian, el Sábado 20 de Marzo de 2004, que narra las peripecias de Coke en Gran Bretaña.
Things get worse with Coke
Bottled tap water withdrawn after cancer scare Felicity Lawrence, consumer affairs correspondent
First, Coca-Cola's new brand of "pure" bottled water, Dasani, was revealed earlier this month to be tap water taken from the mains. Then it emerged that what the firm described as its "highly sophisticated purification process", based on Nasa spacecraft technology, was in fact reverse osmosis used in many modest domestic water purification units.
Yesterday, just when executives in charge of a £7m marketing push for the product must have felt it could get no worse, it did precisely that.
The entire UK supply of Dasani was pulled off the shelves because it has been contaminated with bromate, a cancer-causing chemical.
So now the full scale of Coke's PR disaster is clear. It goes something like this: take Thames Water from the tap in your factory in Sidcup, Kent; put it through a purification process, call it "pure" and give it a mark-up from 0.03p to 95p per half litre; in the process, add a batch of calcium chloride, containing bromide, for "taste profile"; then pump ozone through it, oxidising the bromide - which is not a problem - into bromate - which is. Finally, dispatch to the shops bottles of water containing up to twice the legal limit for bromate (10 micrograms per litre).
The Drinking Water Inspectorate confirmed yesterday it had checked the Thames water supplied to the factory and found it free of bromate. Because it is unsafe at high levels, standards for bromate in tap water are strictly monitored.
Bromide is a naturally occurring trace chemical which has a sedative effect. It is said to have been added by the British army to soldiers' tea during the second world war to dampen down their lust. But when it is oxidised into bromate it becomes "a pretty nasty carcinogen", according to David Drury, one of the principal inspectors for the DWI.
"I've checked Thames water's supply this morning and it is free of bromate," he said.
The legal limits are set to have a wide margin of safety, and the Food Standards Agency advice yesterday was that while Dasani contained illegal levels of bromate, it did not present an immediate risk to the public.
"Any increased cancer risk is likely to be small. However the levels are higher than legally permitted in the UK and present an unnecessary risk. Some consumers may chose not to drink any Dasani they purchased prior to its withdrawal given the levels of bromate in it," the FSA said.
Coca-Cola said it was voluntarily withdrawing all Dasani "to ensure that only products of the highest quality are provided to our consumers".
If you want a refund you should call freephone 0800 227711.
Things get worse with Coke
Bottled tap water withdrawn after cancer scare Felicity Lawrence, consumer affairs correspondent
First, Coca-Cola's new brand of "pure" bottled water, Dasani, was revealed earlier this month to be tap water taken from the mains. Then it emerged that what the firm described as its "highly sophisticated purification process", based on Nasa spacecraft technology, was in fact reverse osmosis used in many modest domestic water purification units.
Yesterday, just when executives in charge of a £7m marketing push for the product must have felt it could get no worse, it did precisely that.
The entire UK supply of Dasani was pulled off the shelves because it has been contaminated with bromate, a cancer-causing chemical.
So now the full scale of Coke's PR disaster is clear. It goes something like this: take Thames Water from the tap in your factory in Sidcup, Kent; put it through a purification process, call it "pure" and give it a mark-up from 0.03p to 95p per half litre; in the process, add a batch of calcium chloride, containing bromide, for "taste profile"; then pump ozone through it, oxidising the bromide - which is not a problem - into bromate - which is. Finally, dispatch to the shops bottles of water containing up to twice the legal limit for bromate (10 micrograms per litre).
The Drinking Water Inspectorate confirmed yesterday it had checked the Thames water supplied to the factory and found it free of bromate. Because it is unsafe at high levels, standards for bromate in tap water are strictly monitored.
Bromide is a naturally occurring trace chemical which has a sedative effect. It is said to have been added by the British army to soldiers' tea during the second world war to dampen down their lust. But when it is oxidised into bromate it becomes "a pretty nasty carcinogen", according to David Drury, one of the principal inspectors for the DWI.
"I've checked Thames water's supply this morning and it is free of bromate," he said.
The legal limits are set to have a wide margin of safety, and the Food Standards Agency advice yesterday was that while Dasani contained illegal levels of bromate, it did not present an immediate risk to the public.
"Any increased cancer risk is likely to be small. However the levels are higher than legally permitted in the UK and present an unnecessary risk. Some consumers may chose not to drink any Dasani they purchased prior to its withdrawal given the levels of bromate in it," the FSA said.
Coca-Cola said it was voluntarily withdrawing all Dasani "to ensure that only products of the highest quality are provided to our consumers".
If you want a refund you should call freephone 0800 227711.
martes, diciembre 05, 2006
DASANI: e-mailings que matan

Diego Dillenberger escribió en su Newsletter electrónica "Imagen" una interesante nota sobre este tema (La crisis de Dasani y un “viejo” interrogante: ¿contestar o no contestar a un ataque a la reputación desde Internet?, 05/12/06). Comenta Dillenberger que el rumor comenzó a circular en la web y repetía de manera incompleta y tergiversada información sobre el agua mineralizada Dasani que había circulado en Gran Bretaña en 2004. Ese año Coca sufrió una importante crisis en ese país debido a que se había encontrado una dosis más alta de lo normal de bromato, una sustancia supuestamente cancerígena en alta exposición. Aunque no representaba un peligro para la salud, tras conversaciones con la autoridad sanitaria británica FSA, Coca decidió (en una acción muy inteligente) un recall de medio millón de botellas.

"La crisis mediática", continua Dillenberger, "se había agravado a raíz de que meses antes los medios británicos habían objetado que Dasani no era agua mineral, sino simplemente agua corriente mineralizada y saborizada. Si bien la empresa no sostenía que fuera de fuente surgente mineral, la comunicación no era totalmente clara al respecto" (algo que en la Argentina sucede con la gran mayoría de las aguas minerales).
“No íbamos a contestar a los rumores de Internet, hasta que vimos que la señal de noticias por cable Crónica TV repetía el rumor mediante una placa roja”, explicó Soledad Izquierdo, gerenta de Comunicaciones Institucionales de Coca-Cola de Argentina.
Dillenberger señala que el dilema en estos casos es doble: contestar o no, y cómo hacerlo cuando se producen ataques a la reputación que no trascienden el ámbito de la web y no son validados por los medios tradicionales.
Sin embargo, Dillenberger aporta un dato más, "en Coca-Cola tuvieron un elemento adicional para decidir publicar la respuesta en forma de solicitada, y es que estaban recibiendo un promedio de 4 consultas diarias al call center de Dasani, lo que indicaba que se iniciaba una preocupación real de los consumidores."
Es una obviedad que estas cadenas de e-mails no tienen origen ingenuo, sino que surgen o bien de ex-empleados o empleados enemistados con la compañía o bien de competidores desleales.
Coca-Cola de Argentina afirma que esas versiones “son falsas y tienen por objetivo desprestigiar y dificultar elcrecimiento en el mercado local de una de las marcas más exitosas del mundo”.
Con una población de internautas en aumento en países centrales y periféricos es cada vez más importante tener en cuenta a los ataques que se sufren provenientes de cadenas de e-mails, blogs, foros, etc. en las estrategias de crisis management.
Algo está cambiando con Internet y las empresas deben estar alertas, ya no es suficiente contar con estrategias dirigidas a los medios off-line.
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